Thursday, 7 July 2011

Letter to The Citizen, 7 July 2011

The Editor                                                                   
The Citizen                                                                  
6-8 The Oxebode                                                        
Gloucester  GL1 1RZ
7th July 2011                                                               

Dear Sir
Mr Jim Porter, Longlevens councillor, in his letter to the Citizen of Wednesday 6th July regarding a station at the Railway Triangle, stated that a considerable amount of money would be required to acquire land east of the main line.  Acquisition of land is not necessary.  To the east of the mainline, only the width of a platform is needed.
Four platforms at the north east corner of the triangle would accommodate north – south trains, south – north trains, and trains to and from South Wales.  The bulk of the infrastructure would be within the triangle with plenty of space for shops and businesses to be incorporated into the station; perhaps funded by a developer.
A station at the triangle would make an ideal changing point.  One could alight from a London – Cheltenham Spa train and just walk across to get a connection to Lydney and beyond.  Some trains could stop at both Gloucester stations, as they do in Worcester.
The track work is already in place, together with most of the signalling.  
Long distance trains may then, once again, stop in Gloucester.  At present, the only ones to do so are those between Gloucester and London Paddington.

Yours faithfully

Brian Cowell